Fatty Appendices Epiploica of Transverse Colon with Haustra in Pink

An X-ray has been artistically rendered with a pink tinge to show appendices epiploica in a different color.  The appendices are unique and characteristic fatty excrescences on the outer surface of the colon

They do not seem to have overt function.


An X-ray has been artistically rendered with a pink tinge to show appendices epiploica in a different color.  The appendices are unique and characteristic fatty excrescences on the outer surface of the colon

They do not seem to have overt function.

Dr. Davidoff has written a poem about the colon and refers to the tenia and the haustra

…and here it comes again: their fancy shmancy name: “appendices epiploica.”

What in heaven’s name was God thinking when he put those fatty …things!… on my waist?

I detest them!  Do you hear me? Detest!

They may have been the fashion in the time of Adam and Eve,

But God, please get with the times – they are way out of fashion.