Heart Shaped Pod of the Amour en Cage

The art piece shows the inverted pod surrounded by the more rotund yellow shape of a heart.  The orange fruit peeks out through a defect in the husk.  The French name Amour en Cage (love in a cage) is the most appropriate and romantic term for the fruit!


Heart Shaped Pod of the Amour en Cage

The heart shaped Amour en Cage (France, French for “love in a cage”),(aka Cape Gooseberry as it is known in South Africa UK and New Zealand , African ground cherry, uchuva (Colombia), Inca berry, Aztec berry, Peruvian groundcherry, Peruvian cherry, Amour en Cage (France, French for “love in a cage”), golden berry, giant ground cherry, and Physalis (Great Britain). Its botanical name is Physalis peruviana and it is of the Physalis species .

The heart shaped pod (or calyx) contains a bright orange fruit that can be tart or sweet when ripe.  It is used for salads, and also for jams and tarts.

It has similar in shape to the pods of the Chinese lantern and Goldenrain tree pods

The art piece shows the inverted pod surrounded by the more rotund yellow shape of a heart.  The orange fruit peeks out through a defect in the husk.  The French name Amour en Cage (love in a cage) is the most appropriate and romantic term for the fruit!