Magnified Runner in the Sky

The series displays some of the wonderful and weird sightings in the heavens. The first is a powerful runner – of mythological fame … magnified in this image, tearing through the heavens – perhaps bringing fire to the earth?  

The image was taken in the open seas of the Caribbean and is part of the collection called “Anatomy of the Caribbean Skies”


“Magnified Runner in the Sky “ 

The sky is a rich resource for the artist.  In this image the magnified body of a runner is chasing down the highway of the heavens. 

The image was taken in the open seas of the Caribbean and is part of the collection called “Anatomy of the Caribbean Skies”

The series displays some of the wonderful and weird sightings in the heavens. The first is a powerful body of an athlete- of mythological fame … magnified in this image, tearing through the heavens – perhaps bringing fire to the earth?