The Yin-Yang Tree

“The Yin-Yang Tree” amplifies the arborising pattern of the roots and the branches in a background of the environment fuelled by the sun, air filled atmosphere, and the earth.  The tree unit consists of two opposing forces just like the negative and positive forces of the atom.  The bare roots represent one force and the leaf filled flowering branches the other. The one needs the other and they both need the environment (and the environment needs them) to develop and flourish and contribute.


The AiA rendering called “The Yin-Yang Tree” amplifies the arborising pattern of the roots and the branches in a background of the environment fuelled by the sun, air filled atmosphere, and the earth.  The tree unit consists of two opposing forces just like the negative and positive forces of the atom.  The bare roots represent one force and the leaf filled flowering branches the other. The one needs the other and they both need the environment (and the environment needs them) to develop and flourish and contribute.