Glomerulus Under the Microscope in Blue and Turquoise

Glomerulus under the Microscope in Blue and Turqoise” shows the functional unit of the kidney which acts as the initial filter of the blood coming to the kidney.  The tissue consists of a tuft of capillaries that transport the blood to the capsule.  The plasma filtrate is collected in the Bowman’s capsule and then passes through a membrane consisting a single layer of flat cells after which it enters the proximal tubule.


Glomerulus under the Microscope in Blue and Turqoise” shows the functional unit of the kidney which acts as the initial filter of the blood coming to the kidney.  The tissue consists of a tuft of capillaries that transport the blood to the capsule.  The plasma filtrate is collected in the Bowman’s capsule and then passes through a membrane consisting a single layer of flat cells after which it enters the proximal tubule.

The art piece in spherism form is derived from a histological section and has been recolored in a beautiful aquamarine blue and turquoise color.

Pathologically the glomerulus is surrounded by a cellular infiltrate