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We the Cells of the Body, Want to Create a More Perfect Union

Adam and Eve Choose Cabinet Members for the Body’s Society of Cells

Arielle Davidoff and Ashley Davidoff  Copyright 2017

 Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better – Einstein 

As Adam and Eve entered the Garden of Eden they heard the cry of the disparate cells of the body:

“Without each other we are nothing.  Please unite us in structure and function with your wisdom. E Pluribus Unum!”

E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One

The cells knew they would be around for a long time; their grand scheme was to pursue Oneness. They understood the consequences of bullying, selfishness, greed, and jealousy. They also knew the power of goodness, integrity, humility, and sharing.  The cells resolved to fight the evil aspects of humanity.  56 cells from all walks of life discussed the issue of collaborative community living, and drafted a constitution they all signed in Philadelphia.  The cells submitted this proposal to Adam and Eve. It read:

We the Cells of the Body, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Cells of the Body.”

50 representative cells overlying the stars

Adam and Eve realized that the cell was the key “person” in their society 

Adam and Eve, taken aback by the wisdom of biology, accepted the proposal and recognized the document as a marvel of humanity.  They knew it was imperfect, but accepted that as humanity learned through time, experience, and application, it could be amended and better understood.

And so what to do now?

Adam and Eve’s first task was to choose leadership for this noble effort.  Which type of cells did the society of the body need? The stakes were high; they needed to organize an efficient society in which each of the body’s 37.2 trillion individual cells would be fed, protected, fulfilled and free.  In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve examined the variety of cells that surrounded them, then turned to consider the needs of society. thinking about which to choose.

Essential Functions

They debated and discussed how to build a body to house and protect its contents and enable the person to live a full and free life.  They spoke through the night and on the sixth day they arrived at a basic plan of a successful body’s most important functions. Those functions would fulfill the direction of the constitution they had drafted earlier.

Their plan was a simple list of the body’s essential functions:

  1. control, manage, direct
  2. protect and support
  3. provide food, energy, and manufacture needed products
  4. transport
  5. maintain
  6. produce and prepare the next generation

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve entered the society of the cells and began to select societal leaders for the various essential functions on their list.


Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden’s Cell Shop

 Adam and Eve ventured into the Garden of Eden Cell Shop with their shopping list of the functional needs for their society.

Finding the Leader Cell to Control, Manage and Direct

The cell to govern the body would need an overview of the whole situation of life and Oneness.  Its chief characteristics would be wisdom, honesty, humility and integrity. It also needed to sense and react appropriately to both the external and internal environment so that everybody could live a safe and fulfilling life. This cell also had to be able to communicate with every cell in the body – all 37.2 trillion of them – from the tip of the head to the tips of the toes.


The Neuron – “Il Presidente”

They chose the brain cell or neuron for its leadership, and they playfully called  it “Il Presidente.”  Crucially, the neuron could connect not only with other brain cells, but also (directly or indirectly) with every cell in the body. The neuron could also react to the outside environment.

Adam and Eve Trying on the Brain Cell for Size

 Adam tried on the brain cell and sought Eve’s approval.  It was tailored for both the internal and external environments.

Modified public domain work of Henri Rousseau “The Dream”  1910 (MoMA)

“Il presidente” made his first speech referencing Hillel’s sage advice: “If I am not for the body of my person who will be?  And if I am only for the body of my person, then what am I?  If not now when then?”

Adam and Eve nodded at each other, satisfied with their choice.

Finding a Cell for Protection  

Adam and Eve lived in a dangerous environment.  Wild, predatory animals ranged in size from the dinosaurs to violent religious zealots, to the smallest virus particles.  They identified two principal needs – protection from the outside, and protection from the inside of the body.  They turned first to secure internal security.

Adam and Eve were aware of Voltaire’s wise words: “Beware of the words ‘internal security,’ for they are the eternal cry of the oppressor.”  They also knew, conversely, that Cicero stated “Salus populi suprema lex esto”  –  “Let the good (or safety) of the people be the supreme (or highest) law.”

The cell responsible for internal environmental control had to be highly intelligent, so it could sensitively identify the enemy without racial profiling.  Adam and Eve searched for a long time before they encountered an amazing, introverted cell genius, decorated with Einstein’s hairstyle. They called it the macrophage.  This cell had an exquisite memory for detail and an uncanny ability to spot and destroy the enemy of peace.  Rebels and terrorists in the body were no match for this cell.


The Macrophage Police Cell with a Crazy Hairstyle

The macrophage’s motto was the simple equation:   E = mc2

Enemy of the Common Good will be taken down by the Macrophage with Great Conviction for the sake of the peace of humanity

Finding a Cell to Manufacture Food, Energy, and Other Needed Products

The manufacturing function related to internal economy.  Adam and Eve knew that a successful internal economy required self sufficiency. All able bodied cells had a right and an obligation to work.  Adam and Eve remembered and appreciated the wise words of the famous John Kennedy who declared “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

The body would need manufacturing facilities present in all of its parts.  Noticing, however, that the liver cell proved especially adept at manufacturing, Adam and Eve chose this cell to lead the body’s internal economy.

The Liver Cell – Key in Metabolic Function in the Metabolic Warehouse of the Body


Finding a Cell to Lead the Transport Function

Transport to and from the cells would be an essential bodily function.  Adam and Eve chose the red cell to lead the effort, since it could transport oxygen and carbon dioxide, which they knew is vital to life.  The red cell with its colorful hemoglobin was a natural choice.  They recognized its ability to rapidly exchange gases in the lungs and at the cell as a stunning accomplishment of nature.

Red Cell with Hemoglobin Responsible for the Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

Finding the Cell to Lead Maintenance: Repair, Cleaning and Waste Removal 


Stem Cell Maintenance and Repair

The stem cell can magically transform into many different types of cells necessary to repair and regenerate tissues, which can wear over time. Timed cell death, or apoptosis, is natural and regeneration is necessary. The adult stem cell is responsible for regeneration of blood cells, endothelia of blood vessels, and epithelia of skin, intestine, and respiratory tract.  Adult stem cells also repair tissues such as bone, cartilage, and non-cardiac muscle, which are prone to injury due to physical activity.  Adam and Eve chose the multipotential adult stem cell to maintain the body’s cell populations.

Preparation for the Next Generation 

The miracle of creation understood the importance of education.  Each generation would advance to wholeness only if it learned from the experience of prior generations.  Humanity has preserved history in archives, museums, and libraries.  Similarly, within the nucleus of each cell lies the accumulated experience of the generations in the library of the DNA.  Every cell contains all this valuable information, which continues to evolve as human experience advances.

The Library of Accumulated Experience in the Nucleus of the Cell
Courtesy of photograph provided by Ralf Roletschek / subsequently modified 

Best for Last: Reproduction

Nature drives men and woman together with the most pleasurable and profound experience to enable e plurabus unum of the female egg and male sperm.  The mechanical union is infused with a miraculous spark of life that enables the continuation of the species.
Sperm and Egg Meet and a Miracle (not to be taken for granted) Occurs
Adam and Eve rested, exhausted in each other arms, assured that the wonderful human experiment had begun.

And the next day…

…there was a meeting of the minds on the palace lawn.

 7 Cabinet Ministers Posing in Front of Government Center

The 7 cells chosen by Adam and Eve to  to advise the design of the structure and function of the body.

From left to right; Liver cell (manufacture), Macrophage (defense and protection) Ovum (reproduction) Neuron (government) Sperm (reproduction) Stem cell (maintenance and repair) and Red cell (transport)


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Anatomy of Foot Soles

Two lost soles sitting solitary on a fence

Feeling distracted from each other


Said the compromising one to the other “We are not yet defeeted”
Said the other to the one in a fit of anger “I would hate to be in your shoes”

Said the compromising one  to the other. “Let’s get off our pedestals, resolve our differences, move forward, and walk in the way of righteousness”
Said the non compromising left one to oneself “Was going to say left-sidedness rather than righteousness for the sake of my pride and my tribe, but decided to let it go”
Said the one to the other “It is better if we walk together – otherwise we will only be able to hop with no hope”
Said the one to the one “Let’s pursue One and we will find our soles”

And they walked in step, like one, into the sunset, , foot after foot, hand in hand and lived happily ever after.

The End

Lessons from sox
Courtesy of dOG WaLK aRT and the  Free Museums Around and In Us

Ashley Davidoff

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Anatomy of the Liver, Alcohol, and Addiction

The Liver – Just Another Normal Miracle of the Body

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24/7 Clockwork Purple 

The liver is the largest gland in the body and is central to many metabolic functions. It is known as the body’s “metabolic warehouse.”

The liver serves several important functions. It is integral to the digestive system, producing both internal and external secretions. The external secretion, bile, aids in the digestive process, while internal secretions are responsible for the metabolism of both nitrogenous and carbohydrate materials absorbed from the intestine.

Some of the liver’s functions take milliseconds and others take days and sometimes weeks. It secretes bile in order to  alter toxic substances chemically (e.g. converts ammonia to urea), converts glucose to glycogen, and can produce glucose from breaking down certain proteins. The liver also synthesizes triglycerides and cholesterol, breaks down fatty acids and produces plasma proteins necessary for the clotting of blood such as clotting factors I, III, V, VII, IX and XI. Nearly 30% of the blood pumped by the heart passes through the liver each minute.

One of the unique structural features of the liver is its dual blood supply. It is supplied both by an artery (hepatic artery) and a vein (yes a vein!) – the portal vein. The portal vein  drains the gastrointestinal tract of digested metabolic products and transports the nutrients to the liver for processing.

Four to five thousand  years ago, the sheep’s liver held godly powers in the Babylonian culture. The Babylonians, and many cultures thereafter, believed that since the liver was the largest organ, it certainly must be the organ of most importance.

The Cells

Hepatocytes are the major cellular component of the liver, comprising approximately 70% by volume. Structurally they are characterised by their large size and the absence of a basement membrane.  Functionally they are characterised by their remarkable metabolic and regenerative capability.  Kupffer cells are found within the space of Disse and they act as macrophages of the liver, identifying and removing substances and organisms toxic to the body.

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The Cells

The AiA rendering of cells in the round provide an image that is reminiscent of craters on the moon surface.  The thought process behind the image is the formation of tissues from cells.  The building of the whole from the parts starts with the cell and progresses to the tissue and finally the organ.  In this instance, groups of liver cells are artistically combined to form a tissue and an imaginary spherical organ.

Cellular Organization

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Organization of the Liver Cells in Cords Along the Rivers of Blood Flow

The liver  is a compound tubular serous gland. The cells are arranged in plates or cords alongside rivulets of a capillary network called  sinusoids.  The  spaces of Disse are spaces below the lining of the Kupffer cells. The plates and cords are lined by the sinusoids which are the channels which carry blood to the liver.  Just below the sinusoids, between the wall of the sinusoid and the capsule of the liver there is a space called the space of Disse which carries the lymphatic fluid of the liver.

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Organization of the Liver Cells in Cords in the Liver Lobule

The cells of the liver are organized in cords and plates and are organized like spokes of a wheel  around the central vein.  The periphery of the lobule contains  groups of portal triads consisting of portal vein (dark blue), hepatic artery (red) and bile duct (green).

The structural liver unit is called a lobule.  Cellular plates branch and anastomose alongside and in parallel with the sinusoids.  Each lobule measures 1-2mm and is shaped like a hexagon. A central venule lies at the center of the lobule and is the destination of the sinusoids, which carry both hepatic arteriole as well as portal venous blood.  At the periphery of the lobules are sets of portal triads consisting of portal vein, bile duct and hepatic artery.  The biliary system collects bile from the liver and evolves into an independent network terminating in the common bile duct which empties bile, into the duodenum.  The hepatic artery and portal vein supply the liver with metabolic substrates via the sinusoids, and also collect metabolic  products produced by the liver to transport to the rest of the body.

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Anatomy of the Liver in a Nutshell– 

From its Embryonic Beginnings to Full Member of the Society of the Body 


Alcohol – Drink of the Gods in Moderation and Poison of the Devil in Excess

Anatomy of the  Initial Positive Effects of Alcohol

“Drink because you are happy, but never because you are miserable.”
G.K. Chesterton, 

genitourinary tract, genitourinary system, uterus, woman, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

Social Drinking: The Prostate Having a Drink with the Uterus

The uterus and prostate are out on a date and sharing a cocktail   The uterus approximates a rectangular shape as does the prostate, accounting for their fascination with each other and their similarity with the shape of the wine glass.  The uterus is accompanied by the ovaries and the vagina which forms the stem of the wine glass.  The prostate is accompanied by the Seminal vesicles and Cowper’s glands and the urethra which acts as the stem of the wine glass. The male secretion seen in the urethra consists of a mixture of sperm, prostatic secretions, and seminal vesicle secretions.

Social drinking to celebrate an event is a wonderful means to enable people to open up to each other  

As G.K. Chesterton wrote – “Drink because you are happy, but never because you are miserable.”  

William Shakespeare, in Othello, on the other hand wrote – “I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains.”

Most cultures favor the use of alcohol in celebration of events, and the positive effects of alcohol when used judiciously is to promote a pleasurable feeling via the nucleus accumbens, and to reduce stressful feelings (often social interactions) by reducing inhibitions by acting on the amygdala

Anatomy of the Feeling of Pleasure and the Nucleus Accumbens

The nucleus accumbens is one of the most primitive part of the brain.  It is part of the  basal part of the forebrain.  It is a paired structure. Alcohol promotes pleasure by stimulating the nucleus accumbens.

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The Nucleus Accumbens

The coronal section of the brain shows the nucleus accumbens (ringed red) opposite its partner at the base of the brain.  It lies just inferior to the internal capsule and frontal horns, near the hypoyhalamus

Courtesy Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology at Boston University School of Medicine Dr. Jennifer Luebke , and Dr. Douglas Rosene


Artistic Rendition of the Nucleus Accumbens on a sagittal T1 Weighted MRI

The nucleus accumbens, which is the site enabling the sensation of pleasure is shown as a red dot at the base of brain near the hypothalamus.


Anatomy of Stress and the Amygdala

The amygdalae are paired structures that are part of the limbic system that play an important part in emotional reactions including the reactions to stress.  Alcohol reduces the uncomfortable emotion of stress and distress.  Stress, in general is healthy, while distress on the other hand is not.  The distinction between the two is not always obvious.  Social situations are often stressful since in general people are “forced”into a position with “new” people they do not know too well.  Using alcohol in such a social situation disinhibits the individuals, reduces the feeling of stress and promotes a sense of social confidence.. The origin of the physiology is in the amygdala.


Amygdala of the Forebrain in Sagittal Projection

The amygdala (red arrow)is a nucleus that is part of the limbic system.  It is a paired structure.  They are located deep in the temporal lobes and participate in emotional reactions, memory, and decision making.


Peer Pressure 

Stressful social situations are particularly prominent in adolescence when peer pressure is pervasive.  The college experience with new adventures of socialization,  combined with freedom from the constraints of paternal disciplines are ripe for the use of substance abuse.


Peer Pressure

The scene: Party night – adolescent on the right, different innocent, alone and anxious. The in- crowd on the left are homogenous, powerful in number and stature, and encourage the newcomer to join in and be “one of us” – perhaps drink or smoke – and this is how it starts.
Educate, support, and love your children – Promote confidence in themselves so when they are confronted they can just say “no!”




Alone and bored, some turn to alcohol to provide relief.  It is a short term, and short sighted relief to the problem

Early Addiction

Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.

Carl Jung

The signs of early addiction

There are a few early warning signs that are forebears of early addiction as they start to surface.

They include; drinking alone, hiding and lying about the habit, blacking out, neglecting responsibility, deteriorating relationships, drinking in dangerous circumstances (eg before driving) and inability to quit.

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Too Much of a Good Thing- can make your life tipsy turvy and turn you upside down –

shows bottles of alcohol in different positions and personify the state of inebriation.  Alcoholic intoxication is a form of poisoning, and can make your life tipsy turvy and turn you upside down. The art piece expresses the uncontrolled situation of inebriation.  When the liver cannot metabolize the alcohol due to excess in the blood stream drunkenness ensues. At lower blood levels there is a sensation of elation and lack of social reserve.  With higher levels of alcohol in the blood, cerebral and cerebellar dysfunction ensues with ataxia, imbalance and muscle incoordination.  Forebrain impairment includes disability to make appropriate decisions.  Coma and death can ensue when blood levels are extremely high.

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Drunk Man in the Town Square

A drunk man in the town plaza is toying with the idea of another swig.  His indifference to his environment, and lack of judgement suggests he is inebriated.  However his body language with an outstretched arm holding the bottle and the other hand pointed in another direction may suggest, at least idealistically, symbolically and hopefully subconsciously, that he realises he could go one of two ways “Decision time” he says to himself – “on the one hand I could take a swig .. Yet on the other I may take a different and more healthful course” Which way do you think he would go? (Photograph modified to enable anonymity) 


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Normal Liver and Cirrhosis

The left sided image shows the CT scan of a normal liver.  The liver is the biggest structure that you can appreciate on the CT scan and is triangular in shape. The scan on the right shows a liver with cirrhosis.  Alcohol pickles and scars the liver making it look like a knobby shrunken prune. The first image reflects healthy and romantic enjoyment of two people enjoying a beer at sunset. The colorful sunset transposes int a black and white background providing the mood of a lonely alcoholic. The alcoholic drinks in loneliness and in excess, until finally the person and the the bottle do not remain upright symbolically reflecting physical and psychosocial failure.

The Failing Liver

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Normal Liver and Cirrhosis and Ascites

The AiA rendering shows a normal liver on the left, and a person with cirrhosis on the right evidenced by a shrunken, knobbly and pickled liver, jaundice of the skin and a distended abdomen caused by the accumulation of litres of fluid (ascites). In the long run, the addiction results in much suffering, a miserable existence, and immediately life threatening hemorrhagic episodes.

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Alcoholism and Ascites

(Photograph modified to enable anonymity) 

Liver Cancer

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Liver Cancer 

Liver cancer, frequently arises as a complication of cirrhosis and most particularly from alcoholic cirrhosis. The  AiA rendering of the liver shows the inner workings of the organ, now inhibited by the large yellow cancer preventing the clockwork function of the liver. The liver starts to fail as a result of the cirrhosis so that the synthesis of biochemical products that  keep the body going are no longer produced to the degree which they are needed.

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Wasting of Body and Life 

The collage shows normal healthy liver cells (top left) with a healthy appearing torso (CT scan  reconstruction bottom left).  The top right image reflect cancerous hepatic cells where the nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio is too large meaning that the the nuclei are too big and the cytoplasm too scanty.  This finding is one of the typical findings in cancer.  An emaciated torso (bottom right) is seen in contrast to the healthy counterpart.

Artistically the stark reality of health and disease is exposed.  This terrible disease stares at us in stark graphic reality.

Philosophically – the cancer cell is like a rebel in the community, who only has selfish interests and contributes nothing to the welfare of the community.  As a result the whole community of the body  eventually fails, and hence the emaciation of the body.

Lessons?  Kick the Habit Early  or Kick the Bucket

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Life, Cells, the US Constitution, and Trees

Life, Cells,the US Constitution, and Trees  

is an odd combination of concepts.  At first glance the title of the blog reveals a wide discrepancy of ideas, but in fact there are unifying concepts that bring them together.

The United States is one of the advanced cultures of the modern world. Its magnificent constitution states “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”   The wisdom rests firstly in the notion that “we the people” is the focus of all subsequent intentions resolutions and actions.  Secondly it provides hope and promise of a happy and safe society.  This statement of the constitution is satisfied in the biology of the cell, but not to the same extent in the dynamics of society.   We do not fully appreciate what perfection has been accomplished in the microcosm of our bodies nor how apt the opening statement is to the cells that make up living organisms. The cells in truth realise all the promises of the preamble, including a perfect union, justice, tranquility, defence, general welfare, liberty, and posterity.


Trees, US Ideology, Cells, and the Body

Living structures are characterized by their ability to move, grow, reproduce, acquire and transport metabolic products, and protect themselves — all so they can function and contribute to the bigger community. The cell as the basic building block of life and living organisms performs all the described functions effortlessly, innately and automatically.  For the cell, life happens without struggle or effort.  People perform the same characteristics of life, but many individuals struggle to fulfil basic needs to satisfaction.


Constitutional Makeup of the Body

The AiA art piece puts the cell in the centre of the body.  The cells, acting in combination with other cells, give life to their person in accordance with the preamble of the constitution. People in combination with other people give life to their society. 

From a physical perspective, biology has worked out a mechanism to keep all the 3.7 trillion cells of a single human being satisfied, fed, protected and fully functioning in their specific capacity. The liver cell is fulfilled in its capacity as a liver cell, and the same for the myocardial and brain cell.  In fact all animal cells live and do what they were born to do, and are fulfilled until disease or death. The world of botany has accomplished similar magnificence.cells-0005-catalogue-signed

Constitutional Makeup of the Tree

Tree cells in combination give life to the tree in accordance with the principles of the constitution.  

The 7.1 billion humans of the earth are still stuttering along, despite the lofty aspirations of the US Constitution.  Many citizens go hungry, innumerable are homeless and countless die in war.  The particular focus of this blog is to observe and appreciate the success of cells in the body, and try to understand and apply the processes that make them so successful to our society at large.

Branching Patterns in Nature – Success Story of Delivery and Waste Removal


YinYang Tree – From Environment to Life in the Trees

The AiA rendering amplifies the arborising pattern of the roots and the branches in a background of the environment fuelled by the sun, air- filled atmosphere, and the earth.  The tree unit consists of two opposing forces just like the negative and positive forces of the atom.  The bare roots represent one force and the leaf filled flowering branches the other. They need each other and both need the environment (and the environment needs them) to develop, flourish and contribute.  They use a branching system at both ends to move nutrients and water efficiently .

What Do We as A Society Have to Learn from from the Yin-Yang Tree?

Opposing forces, when working together, enable both to flourish as individuals and as a new unit.  We need the man with the woman, the roots with the wings, the roots with the branches, the winter with the summer, the past with the future, the positive with the negative.  In the realm of tubes and flow we need a difference in pressure – a relative positive and a relative negative in order for the contents of the tube to flow.

heart, heart shape, ivy, leaf, heart shape, Valentine's day, romance, love,

In the Leaves

The geometric arborising pattern is universal and is shown in veins of the ivy leaf 

heart, Valentine's day, love, romance, heart shape, Chinese lantern, husk, capillaries, romance

Heart Shaped Chines Lantern Flower

The dried flower reveals a delicate capillary-like infrastructure which is the transport mechanism for the petals. The flower enfolds and defends a barely appreciated, delicate fruit buried within its husk. The need to protect its fruit  manifests parental love which it can only do because it has an efficient transport mechanism to maintain itself.


Branching Patterns in the Body –The Vascular System

Supply and Removal of Metabolites and Waste

The transport systems of biology are exemplified by phenomenal branching tube morphology that is efficient.  The delivery and removal system in the form of arteries, capillaries and veins is 60,000 miles long (2.5 X the distance around the earth) – and with a pump that beats on the average of 72 times per minute,  3.7 trillion cells are continually fed and cleared of waste, and as a result can be  productive and fulfilled. Food is delivered and is waste removed from the front door of every cell constantly.  Each cell understands and applies the Goldilocks principle – “Take Not too much , nor too little, but what is just right for your needs.”


The Pulsatile Miracle Circulation


The Circulation; A Pump, Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins


Capillary Network At the Front Door of the Cells

Specific Circulations

The Brain


Arterial Tree of the Brain Under the Purple Moon

derivation, brain, artery, arteries, carotid artery, internal carotid artery, external carotid artery, trees, mountains, reflection, lake, mountains, normal, MRI, MRA, MR angiography, art, the common vein, art in anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

Derivation of the Arterial Tree of the Brain Under the Purple Moon


Arterial Tree of the Brain – External and Internal Carotid Systems

The Heart


The Crown-Like Coronary Arterial Tree


Derivation of the Artistic rendering of the The Crown-Like Coronary Arterial Tree

The Lungs

heart, pulmonary circulation, pulmonary artery, capillaries, pulmonary veins, left atrium, intimacy, body language

The Pulmonary Circulation

The Gastrointestinal Tract

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Mesenteric Venous System of the Small Bowel

Note that the abdomen has been turned upside down in order to appreciate the tree like formation of the portal vein and small bowel.  

The liver is seen at bottom left in purple and the spleen (right) in orange

 The Spleenspleen, splenic artery, tree, trees of the body, arteriogram, radiology, art, the common vein, art in anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

The Splenic Arterial Tree


 The Kidneys

genitourinary system, genitourinary tract, kidney, arteries, veins, renal veins, renal arteries, normal, radiology, ultrasound, Doppler, power doppler, trees, branching, , Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD.,

Renal Veins By Doppler Ultrasound in Spring

 The Liver


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The Hepatic Venules


Ductal Systems


Ducts of the Breast

breasts, glands, ducts, histology, trees, trees in the body, mammary glands, art, the common vein, art in anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

Histology of the Glands of the Breast

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Bile Ductal System Working Night and Day

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Dilated Biliary Ductal System and the Bonsai Tree


The Tree of the Prostate Gland

Organs and Other Structures with Tree Like Shapes

genitourinary tract, genitourinary system, kidneys, renal, kidney, bladder, anatomy, CT scan, radiology, CT urogram, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD, dance, trees, forest,

A Forest of Kidney Trees


Ginkgo Lung Tree

hands, bones, cold night, tree, X-ray, winter

A Winter Tree of Hands Under the Moonlight

The Brain


The Brain Tree


Derivation of the Brain Tree – Artistic Recreation 


The Arbor Vitae – Tree of Life of the Cerebellum


Tree -Like Purkinje Cells 

Drawing of Purkinje cells (A) and granule cells (B) from pigeon cerebellum by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1899; Instituto Cajal, Madrid, Spain. Public Domain

Drawing by Camillo Golgi of a hippocampus stained using the silver nitrate method and digitally rendered by the artist

This treelike branching pattern of neurons responsible for consciousness seems to be a structural feature of the universe itself.

Realising “We the People” – First Step – Efficient Supply and Removal of Metabolites and Waste for the People of the World

Without adequate food and water, the promise of “We the people” of the preamble of the constitution cannot be fulfilled. Currently 1 in 9 people in the world do not have enough food. Without this basic need they are unable to lead an active and healthy life.  Is it because there is not enough food in the world? Is it because the 3rd world starving countries are too far away from the excess food of the farms of abundance? The skin cell at the tip of the most remote toe or the most remote cell at the top of the head are equally supplied according to their need.  In a healthy individual no cell gets left behind.  Yet many people get left behind in the world.

How to do it?

To some extent we have built and continue to build an arborising network for water supply and waste removal.  In the US 86% of the population have clean water delivered.  In developing countries efficient water supply and sewerage facilities are lacking.  One in 10 people lack safe access to clean water, and 1 in 3 lack access to a toilet (  Building a similar network that spans the world and delivers food to the front door of all the people of the world is the obvious first step.  Yet it seems like a pipe dream.  The network of information provided by the internet was also a pipe dream for people like Nikola Tesla who had a vision for  a “world wireless system” in the early 1900s. The ability to deliver real time information to the front door via the world wide web is only 30 years old.  Could anybody prior to 20th century imagine such a technological accomplishment?  If only we could deliver food via an innate arborising pattern.  What if, for example, a high calorie liquid energy food could be delivered alongside the arborising water system?  It may not be a classical meal but it is certainly more than nothing. The practical intent of this blog  is to  draw parallels between biology and society, which can learn from an almost perfect delivery and removal system, most commonly in the form of tree-like branching.

The universe has evolved over about 13.7 billion years and  in so doing has the wisdom of time on its side.  Over this time, it has developed systems that optimise energy and efficiency.  We as thinking biological beings have evolved highly developed biological processes over the last 2.4 billion years.  We have developed a mind and free choice.  The mind for us has been a double edged sword – both a gift and a curse.  A gift because it has given us an ego, individuality, tribalism, heterogeneous cultures, poetry, literature, art, theater, science, dance, athletics, religion, and organization, but a curse that has brought ego, selfishness, pride, religion, jealousy, murder, bigotry, prejudice, and tribalism. The desire to live in “a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” requires that basic biological requirements are available and met.  The cells of the healthy body have acquired the aspirations of the US Constitution.

The cell has no mind nor ego and is therefore waiting only for evolutionary changes.  We as thinking beings want it all now, and continue to try and improve our lot in a lifetime and are too impatient to be happy with our lot.  We therefore push the double-edged envelope with our ego and in so doing while we are social beings we are competitive individuals at the same time.  This creates an internal conflict and conflict with others making perfect union a dream rather than reality.  The start for the world should be an efficient low energy, arborising delivery system, for food and water system for all people.  Without this the US Constitutional aspirations are only a dream.

Hillel recognized the conflict.  “If I am not for myself,” he said, “who will be for me?  And if I am only for myself, what am I.  And if not now when then?”  It is the balance of “I” and “they” that we have to find.  The cells have done it – Why can’t we?

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Art, Anatomy, and Wisdom of the Kidneys

Art Anatomy and Wisdom of the Kidneys 

March is NATIONAL KIDNEY MONTH and March 14 2016 is WORLD KIDNEY DAY – dedicated to my teachers Dr Edward Smith and the late Dr Harry Mellins and  …. so here goes.

adrenal glands, adrenals, suprarenals, kidneys, anatomy, physiology, renal,

The Kidneys and Their Golden Adrenals

serve to preserve our precious water. The kidneys face each other (eye to eye) in the body as trusting life long partners. When the going gets tough for the one, the other is there to fill the void. How much more can one ask of a life long partner?

The Nephron –  The Little People and the Backbone of the Kidney

nephron, proximal tubule, Bowman's capsule, glomerulus, loop of Henle, arteriole, kidneys, renal, genitourinary tract, genitourinary system,bladder, urethra, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MDFilter, Flow Concentrate

The story of urine production is the story of the complex physiology.  The diagram simplifies the steps in the production of urine involved in the production of urine using linear and wavy shapes and showing the connectivity and interdependence of the parts.  Blood (red) is filtered by the Bowman’s capsule(blue). The filtered plasma travels through a series of tubes (yellow) called proximal convolued tubule, loop of Henle, then distal convoluted tubule and with the magic of physiology enables water reabsorption and subsequent concentrated urine production. The urine is collected by collecting tubules, and transported via the calyces, renal pelvis and then ureters (orange) to the bladder (oval orange). The final pathway is out back to the environment via the urethra. The art is a combination of minimalism,  linearity, and spherism .

nephron, proximal tubule, Bowman's capsule, glomerulus, loop of Henle, arteriole, kidneys, renal, genitourinary tract, genitourinary system,bladder, urethra, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

Filter Flow and and Concentate 

Same story – different way of artistically portraying the structural and functional order of urine production

nephron, proximal tubule, Bowman's capsule, glomerulus, loop of Henle, arteriole, kidneys, renal, genitourinary tract, genitourinary system,bladder, urethra

Parts of the Kidney Using Labels

genitourinary tract, genitourinary system, kidneys, nephron, arteriole, glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, Bowman's capsule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubules, collecting tubules, papilla, calyx, calyces, fornix, infundibulum, pelvis, renal pelvis, ureter, anatomy, kidneys, kidney, renal, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

Fish Eye View of a Kidney Nephron 

is a sphere providing a view of the tissues making up the micro-tubular structure of the filtering system of the kidneys.  The connections between the tubular systems, arteries and veins, and the positioning of the loops of Henle are essential to the micro-function and macro-function of the kidney.  The style of spherism provides a sense of wholeness.

 kidneys, anatomy, physiology, renal,

An Ocean View of the Nephron

“Ocean View of a Kidney Nephron with Glomerulus Bowman’s Tubules Henle Arterioles and Venules at Sunset”  shows a an out of context depiction of the nephron.    The art piece has a surreal appearance with the sun at the bottom of the ocean and the tubules of the nephron with shapes reminiscent of Miro.  In addition there is a sense of spherism with the vascular system surrounding the nephron and the round shape of the sun. The water theme and the colors create a quiet and peaceful ambiance.

nephron, proximal tubule, Bowman's capsule, glomerulus, loop of Henle, arteriole, venule, kidneys, renal, genitourinary tract, genitourinary system,

Moods of the Kidney Nephron

“Moods of the Kidney Nephron with Glomerulus Bowman’s Tubules Henle Arterioles and Venules in All Colors” is collage of different colors of the nephron indicating different moods.  The art piece has a surreal appearance with a hint of Miro in the shapes of the structures.  The moods projected by the colors are mostly upbeat.


Kidneys – Macro and Micro

“Kidneys- Macro and Micro” combines the histology of the kidney with its macroscopic image.  The nephron with the arteriole, glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, proximal and distal convoluted tubules, loop of Henle, and collecting ducts are shown in the their distribution in the cortex and medulla of the kidney.  The collecting ducts enter the papilla, then the calyx and reach the ureters via the infundibulum and renal pelvis.


kidneys, nephron, urine, anatomy, water, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

Kidneys Water to Water

“Water to Water, Dust to Dust – If you have to Pee, then You Must” is one of the captions that has been used to describe this image. 95% of urine is water and the” dust” is represented by organic and inorganic compounds.  These include urea, chloride, sodium, potassium, organic solutes including urea, creatinine, uric acid.  In addition there are trace amounts of enzymes, carbohydrates, hormones, fatty acids, pigments, and mucins.  The inorganic ions include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), ammonium (NH4+), sulfates (SO42-), and phosphates (e.g., PO43-).

kidneys, renal, calyces, ureters, bladder, genitourinary tract, genitourinary system, abdomen. pelvis, X-ray, radiology, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

Kidneys Ureters and Bladder in Pink

Kidneys, Ureters, and Bladder in Pink” is abdominal X-ray of the abdomen after contrast injection and shows the kidneys, calyces, renal pelvis, ureters and urinary bladder.  The pink hue softens the classical black and white X-ray, but is in contrast to obvious blackened skeletal structures, including the lumbar spine, and pelvic bones. 

The Dancing Kidneys


The Hora at the Royal Renal Wedding 

“The Kidney Hora at the Royal Renal Wedding” shows the bride and groom in the center of the first hora dance at their wedding. The dancing guests are derived from original CT angiograms showing the renal arteries and kidneys . The bride is derived from a nephrostogram (UPJ traumatic disruption) and the groom was created from a retrograde pyelogram.

kidneys, renal, MRI, MRA, MRV dance, renal arterry, renal vein, genitourinary tract, genitourinary system, Art in Anatomy, Ashley DAvidoff MD

Dancing the Rock ‘N Roll

“Kidneys Doing the Rock and Roll with Arteries and Veins Holding Tight” is the venous phase of an MRI angiogram . The kidneys each in different party colors, with a background of pastel colors gives a feeling or mood of celebration and delight.  The way they are bonded with vein on vein, and artery on artery provides the sense of partners holding tight in a rock and roll dance at the festivity.

kidneys, ureters, dance, flamenco, Fall, bladder, CT scan, art, art in anatomy , Ashley Davidoff

Paso Doble

“Paso Doble of the Kidneys in the Autumn” shows a duet in the Fall.  It portrays the passion of  male and female in a fiery dance.  The image was derived from a CT urogram showing the kidneys, calyces, renal pelves, ureters and bladder.  The mature and mellow colors are reflected in the yellows and oranges but are also characteristic Spanish colors.

kidney, arteries, normal, aorta, CTA, CT scan, radiology, dance, rumba

Renal Arteries Doing the Rumba

“The Renal Arteries Doing the Rumba” shows two fashionable folks pairing in an elegant rumba .  The two images are derived from separate CT angiograms and shows a normal aorta with renal arteries in different projections. The dancer on the left has a sleek twist while the the dancer on the right is in upright position with open arms for his partner.

kidney, arteries, normal, aorta, CTA, CT scan, radiology, dance, hip hop

The Renal Arteries Hip Hopping

“The Renal Arteries Doing the Hip Hop” shows two fashionable folks in a high spirited rippin hot wild Hip Hop dance.  The two images are derived from separate CT angiograms and shows the aging atherosclerotic aorta with the renal arteries in different projections. The dancer on the left has two stents at the origin of the renal arteries that look like part of the dress. The dancer on the right has a small infrarenal aortic aneurysm and an accessory renal artery on the right.  The elongated heads of the dancers give them a funky and wild look.

The Kidney Tree 

genitourinary system, genitourinary tract, kidney, arteries, veins, renal veins, renal arteries, normal, radiology, ultrasound, Doppler, power doppler, trees, branching, , Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD.,

Summertime in the Kidney Tree

This art piece shows a color Doppler of the kidney and outlines the renovascular tree .  The black and white has been replaced by a skyblue color, while the red and blue of the Doppler has been replaced by the green, blue and purples of summer color. The image has been given an impressionistic feel with a Seurat pointillism effect.  The result is an image that has a feel of Seurat’s “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”

kidneys, renal, genitourinary tract, genitourinary system, Doppler ultrasound, veins, color Doppler, radiology, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD, trees, forest

Forest of Trees of the Renal Veins

A rendering of a Doppler ultrasound that has been reconstructed in 3D revealing the veins subtending the kidney.  Artistically the tree like structure of the veins has been rendered to create a forest of trees. The work gives a sense that the viewer is deep within the quiet of the forest, since only the base of the tree trunks dominate the view. The color provides a mood of peacefulness, and the magnification of the trunks provides a spirituality and humbles the viewer in the face of the magnificence and grandeur of nature.

kidneys, anatomy, physiology, renal,

Forest of Trees on CT Urogram

The  CT scan has been reconstructed in the coronal plane revealing the bonds between the kidneys, calyces, pelves, ureters, and the bladder.  Artistically the tree like structure of the kidneys has been rendered to create a bunch of flowers or forest of trees depending on the perspective of the viewer.

Lessons from the Kidney Tree 

genitourinary system, genitourinary tract, kidney, arteries, veins, renal veins, renal arteries, normal, radiology, ultrasound, Doppler, power doppler, trees, branching, , Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD., winter, summer

Time for the Summer, Time for the Winter

This artpiece teaches us the unpredictability of fate and time .  The power Doppler ultrasound of the kidneys shows a variation of the renal vasculature.  On the left side, the vascular system is abundant, while on the right side, just the skeleton of the veins is demonstrated. The artist saw this image as an opportunity to explore concepts such as opposites, abundance, paucity, situational changes, time, and life lessons.  Relevant quotes include “Make Hay while the Sun Shines” and “There is a Time for Every  Every Season” .  Artistically a sharp line differentiates the left side from the right.  This abrupt change from the one season to the next can also infer unpredictable, and fateful situational change in  life.  In this case -there is a seasonal change, but the situation could just as easily reflect an abrupt change with the arrival of a devastating disease on the doorstep of life.   This image precedes a similar image showing the browns of the fall to the left and the winter to the right (below).

genitourinary system, genitourinary tract, kidney, arteries, veins, renal veins, renal arteries, normal, radiology, ultrasound, Doppler, power doppler, trees, branching, , Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD., winter, fall

Time for the Fall, Time for the Winter

This artpiece teaches us the same lesson of unpredictability of fate and time.  Rather than going from summer to winter as time changes, this image goes from the browns of fall to the black and white of winter

Lessons from the Kidneys

kidneys, anatomy, physiology, renal, calyces, pelvis, ureter, urine, Art in Anatomy, Ashley Davidoff MD

The Pair in Purple

The art piece shows the kidneys with calyces, infundibula, renal pelves, and ureters. The pair have a intimate position as they face each other.  They have the same purpose in life -to rid the body of waste and to preserve water.  There is a commitment by the kidneys to each other  The art represents a promise of the kidneys to stay together through thick and thin – till death do them part. Personal ego plays no part in their relationship.  There is a clarity and simplicity in the art piece at the surface with well known underlying extreme complexity of the physiology.

kidneys, anatomy, physiology, renal, calyces, pelvis, ureter, urine, tree

Said the Kidney to the Heart… 

“You allow me to be myself, and do what I do best.  Without you I would be nothing!”  Said the heart to the kidneys “You rid us of waste and toxins, and you recycle our water. Without you, we all would be nothing!”  This profound conversation between the two organs contains the universal wisdom of biology and life .  We all need to do what we do best.  When we do this, the whole society of cells, organs, or people benefit.  The success of the one is the success of all.  The art piece shows the collaborative  form of the two kidneys resulting in a heart shaped tree.  The color of the trunk of golden urine brings the artistic element back to the reality of the kidney function and the gushing forth of urine.


And so ends the story of the Art,  Anatomy and Wisdom of the Kidneys


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Anatomy of Circadian Rhythms in the Body

Anatomy of Circadian Rhythms in the Body

Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2015

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

Ecclesiastes 3:1

What is a season?

A season in the classical sense, is a natural division of the year and relates to the position of the earth to the sun.  The sun is a source of light, warmth, and energy.  A season is a continuum of time divided by the rhythmicity of four seasons.   The seasons are characterized by changes in light and dark cycles as well as temperature cycles.  These factors impact life in all its aspects.


Cycles Around and Within Us

This image shows the  seasonal cycle that occurs within a year.  The top left image is the spring when rebirth and restoration of life occurs.  The summer (top right) follows where light and temperature are high.  The mature mellow autumn follows with orange reds and yellow colors (bottom right) .  Light starts to fade and temperatures start to fall  Autumn is a time for introspection and recognition of mortality.  The bleak and cold winter follows with a silence of impending death (bottom left).  The dancers with their own cycles are incorporated into the larger cycle, inferring the intimate integration of internal biology with the changes in the environment.  They are positioned like the hands of a clock – again incorporating the element of time.

  • Spring is a time for birth, freshness and renewal
  • Summer brings energy, blossoming, productivity and maturation and is the prime of life. Light is brightest during this period and the weather is warmest
  • Fall brings mellowness and maturation and warns of decline.  Symbolically it is a time for introspection during mid life
  • Winter is the time of aging, bleakness, decline and death.  It is characterized by darkness and cold and symbolizes quietness, contemplation, and reminds us of our  impending old age and death.

“To every thing  there is a season”  What does that mean to the structures of the body?  

The changes of the seasons have parallels in the internal environment of the body down to the cells and molecules.  This implies that “everything” in biology experiences a season.  

The annual cycle of the seasons is experienced physically by the body, its organs, cells, and molecules throughout the year.  They sense the cold and the warmth, and the light and dark of the external environment.

circadian rhythms

Seasons of the Feet

The AiA rendering is a collage of photographs with superimposed CT scan of the feet as they walk through the seasons.  The four seasons created in a sphere provide a sense of wholeness in time, while the footsteps represent a walk in  time.  The top left image of the sphere shows the magnolias of Spring, the next (going clockwise) is green forest of Summer, followed by the Fall and finally the deathly cold of winter.


Seasons of the Abdomen

This AiA rendering shows the abdominal structures reflecting the seasons.  The spring is in shades of  pink, the summer in green of the forest and the blue of the sky, the fall in oranges and red, and the winter in ice blue and white.

Seasons within Seasons and Cycles within Cycles

The cycles of the body range from nano seconds per cycle to a lifetime.  Each cycle is part of another cycle.  Each cycle consists of a beginning that evolves to full speed production, progressing to a winding down phase and  finally a phase of rest and restoration. The Krebs cycle,  heart cycle, circadian cycle, menstrual cycle, are all part of the wheel within a wheel concept and in the grand scheme of a single life it revolves around the process  of  maturation.  These same cycles occur within the cycles of evolution with improvement in processes over time.

Biochemical cycles are responsible for growth, and reproduction. The clock has to be rewound, restored to step one so that it can do its duty again. All of these have been optimized by the grand Darwinian cycle of reproduction, generation after generation, picking up fortuitous improvements over the eons.

Seasons of the Day –  Parallel Changes in the External and Internal Environments

Seasons of the Body in a 24 hour Period

This image shows the parallel of a 24 hour cycle correlating with the seasonal cycle that occurs within a year.  The top left image is the dawn when the day is born and the person is restored from sleep and starts to get ready for the the next 12 hour period.  The stress hormones start to rise as the body prepares for the work day which reflects the summer time (top right) where light and temperature are high.  After the “summer” the mellow and introspective time of the sunset arrives(bottom right)  as light and temperature start to fade.  The temporary death of sleep provided by the night follows in the bottom left .

Daybreak at sunrise is the birth of the day, and represents spring time in the body.  We wake up restored while it is a little light and a little cold outside and are refreshed and reborn after our slumber.  As the day warms up, and the light becomes stronger, we enter the summer of our 24 hour cycle.  Our cortisol levels are up to deal with the physical stresses of the day and this preparation is felt in our cells and in our psyche.  As a result of the stress we are better able to process and produce at work.  During the day we reach the height of our wakefulness and are in our productive prime.    At dusk, the autumn of the day moves in as we start to wind down and become introspective.  The light starts to go down and without the sun, the day cools down. The winter of the day – nighttime arrives. It is colder and darker, and we prepare for sleep, a transient death that helps us restore.

The internal environment of the body also senses the cycles through a hormonal cycle called the circadian cycle, which is executed via the hypothalamus.   enabling rhythmic physiological and behavioral events of the body to work in parallel with the natural rhythms of the external environment.

“Anatomy of Sleep” 

The central control system for the circadian rhythms is in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus (turquiose blue butterfly shaped structure at the base of the brain)  It is responsible for the control of the circadian rhythms of the body.

Seasons of the Molecules

Circadian Rhythm and the Daily Internal Seasons of the Body 

There are three main physiological events in the daily human diurnal circadian rhythm; melatonin secretioncortisol secretion, and temperature variation.


Melatonin is secreted by the pineal body in response to the dark.  The retina identifies light and transmits this information to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus integrates the light and darkness cycles of the environment with the pineal gland which in turn secretes melatonin in the dark.  Melatonin levels are therefore high at night and low in the day.  Melatonin is involved in sleep cycles, blood pressure regulation, and in seasonal reproduction.



Seasons at the Molecular Level in the Adrenal Gland

The adrenal gland is an essential component of the circadian rhythm.  It produces cortisol which prepares the body for the stresses of the day. The artistic rendering shows background of complex biochemistry artistically incorporated into the gland. This is a featured art piece  because of the beautiful manner in which the almost invisible gland transforms the biochemistry into life giving hormones.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland that is elemental in the control of metabolic function. It prepares the body for impending stresses.  Diurnal secretion of cortisol is part of circadian rhythm physiology.  The level is highest in the early morning and is at its lowest level at about midnight to 4 am. This high level in the morning prepares the body for the stress of the day.  Cortisol is intimately involved in the metabolism of glucose, fat and protein.

Body Temperature

Body temperature is lowest about 2 hours before waking in the morning and highest in the late afternoon and early afternoon.  During the night metabolic activity is slowed and the lowered temperature is a mechanism to conserve energy.  temperature is elemental to all biochemical processes.

“Body Temp Variation” by user:RHorning – Image Source. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons –

Seasons of the Cells

The molecular changes give rise to cycles in the cells both in a minute to minute variations, hour to hour variations, and eventually into annual variations


Seasons in the Squamous Flower


Cycles in the Columnar Cell of the Colon


What would life be like if there were no seasons?

Although there is a pattern to the seasons – each one is different and as we gain perspective on the cycles.

There are cycles within cycles as time moves on – each not the same as the prior, but having many things in common.  The beginning of Spring is so full of life and we soon look forward and want to welcome the blooming of the brighter colors of summer.  And then the heat of summer comes and we look forward to the cool and mature fall – and the beautiful first deep snowfall comes and soon grows old, cold, uncomfortable and dreary – and the new cycle begins with our eyes a little changed

Eachseasons bring a lesson of life.  We need the seasons to feel the rhythm within us and around us… but each year the seasons are different, and we learn and grow with each season.

The dawn brings us newness and freshness.  The day brings us energy in full flight and productivity – the dusk brings quietness and satisfying mellowness and the night brings rest and restoration….   But each day is different, and hopefully we learn and grow with each day

“I think that to one in sympathy with nature, each season, in turn, seems the loveliest.”
― Mark Twain

“Life Cycle of the Uterus”

shows the uterus from birth through maturation to senility 

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Emphysema – What Does It Feel Like?


What does it feel like?

Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2015


Take a breath and hold it-

While holding that breath … Take another breath on top of that – and hold it –

While holding that breath .. Take a third breath on top of that – and hold that – and then do it a fourth and  a fifth time

and maybe a 6th if you can

That is what emphysema feels like!!!


Big Lungs of  Stale Air in Emphysema

No more room in the chest to take in any fresh air

It is beyond discomfort – With no relief …

You cannot take a magic medicine

And  wake up the next morning

.. and finally take in a full deep breath of fresh air

Like you used to do

You have lost that blessing of life

Medicine and oxygen may help


The ability to feel a full breath of pure fresh air….

That feeling is gone forever…

Why did I not listen?

A lesson taught by Dr Bartolome Celli MD 

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