Junction of Terminal ileum with the Colon in Aqua Blue

The artistic rendering of a barium enema using X-ray technology reveals the connection of the terminal small bowel (ileum) with the colon at the ileocecal valve.

The ileocecal valve.marks the boundary between the cecum and the ascending colon.

Artistically the impressionistic nature and the aqua-blue hue are appealing


Related categories: colon bonds and connectionspartssmall bowelvalveX-rayunits to unity


The artistic rendering of a barium enema using X-ray technology reveals the connection of the terminal small bowel (ileum) with the colon at the ileocecal valve.

The ileocecal valve.marks the boundary between the cecum and the ascending colon.

Artistically the impressionistic nature and the aqua-blue hue are appealing

The functional bonding and collaboration of the small with large bowel incorporates the “units to unity” concept.