Drunk – Too Much of a Good Thing

Drunk – Too Much of a Good Thing” shows bottles of alcohol in different positions and personify the state of inebriation.  Alcoholic intoxication is a form of poisoning, and can make your life tipsy turvy and turn you upside down. The art piece expresses the uncontrolled situation of inebriation.  When the liver cannot metabolize the alcohol due to excess in the blood stream drunkenness ensues. At lower blood levels there is a sensation of elation and lack of social reserve.  With higher levels of alcohol in the blood, cerebral and cerebellar function ensues with ataxia, imbalance and muscle incoordination.  Forebrain impairment includes disability to make appropriate decisions.  The person vomits, due to gastric mucosal irritation or disturbance of inner ear function.  Coma and death can ensue when blood levels are extremely high.


Drunk – Too Much of a Good Thing” shows bottles of alcohol in different positions and personify the state of inebriation.  Alcoholic intoxication is a form of poisoning, and can make your life tipsy turvy and turn you upside down. The art piece expresses the uncontrolled situation of inebriation.  When the liver cannot metabolize the alcohol due to excess in the blood stream drunkenness ensues. At lower blood levels there is a sensation of elation and lack of social reserve.  With higher levels of alcohol in the blood, cerebral and cerebellar dysfunction ensues with ataxia, imbalance and muscle incoordination.  Forebrain impairment includes disability to make appropriate decisions.  The person vomits, due to gastric mucosal irritation or disturbance of inner ear function.  Coma and death can ensue when blood levels are extremely high.