Kidneys, Calyces, Ureters and Golden Adrenals

THE KIDNEYS WITH THEIR GOLDEN ADRENALS serve to preserve our precious water. The kidneys face each other (eye to eye) in the body as trusting life long partners. When the going gets tough for the one, the other is there to fill the void. How much more can one ask of a life long partner?


There are two triangular shaped  adrenal glands that are positioned superior to the kidneys.  The right suprarenal gland sits atop the right kidney and the left sits on the forehead of the left kidney. The renal calyces, infundibula, pelvises and ureters are overlaid in yellow.

The kidneys and the adrenals serve to preserve our precious water. The kidneys face each other (eye to eye) in the body as trusting life long partners. When the going gets tough for the one, the other is there to fill the void. How much more can one ask of a life long partner?